The Easy and Safe Way
to Remove Snow from
Your Roof
The Easy and Safe Way to Remove Snow from Your Roof
For you and your roof
Clear snow fast
Do it yourself
Protect your home
from expensive
roof damage
Many people worry about hurting themselves or damaging their roof in the process of removing snow, leaves, moss, sticks, or any other unwanted debris.
That’s why we have multiple long reach tools developed by Roof Razor (formally known as Minnsnowta Roof Razor); an American-made, contractor-grade, roof snow and brush multi-tool. Trusted by hundreds of snow removal contractors to get the job done, and thousands of homeowners to protect their biggest investment.
Check out our NEWEST Product: Roof Brush Multi-Tool in Action

The Classic Roof Razor

Roof Brush Multi-Tool

Accessories & Parts
Love this snow rake! Wish we had it earlier in season, it would have saved us a lot of money. Works great both standing below the roof or on top of house! Snow comes off easily in big chunks and the wheels protect our shingles."
-Tamara Borgert

Love this snow rake! Wish we had it earlier in season, it would have saved us a lot of money. Works great both standing below the roof or on top of house! Snow comes off easily in big chunks and the wheels protect our shingles."
-Tamara Borgert
How to use the Roof Razor
Set the tool on the bottom edge of the roof
Push it up to cut through the snow
Let gravity pull the snow down off your roof

The top concerns people have about clearing snow & debris from their roof:
Lifting a heavy roof rake over and over again or climbing onto a slippery roof can be dangerous. With the Roof Razor it’s easy to remove snow from the safety of the ground.
Roof Damage
Some snow removal tools can damage the shingles on your roof. The Roof Razor can glide over shingles, shakes or metal ridges without hurting them.
Hiring someone to remove snow for you can be expensive. With the Roof Razor, you’re able to remove the snow yourself.

"Easily the best snow removal tool EVER! I cannot believe I have lived in 'Frostbite Falls, Minnesota' for over 20 years, and I NEVER heard of this amazing tool. I cannot say enough good things about it."
-S. E. Tougas

"Easily the best snow removal tool EVER! I cannot believe I have lived in 'Frostbite Falls, Minnesota' for over 20 years, and I NEVER heard of this amazing tool. I cannot say enough good things about it."
-S. E. Tougas
Removing snow from your roof can be a dangerous and physically demanding job. Every year, people are killed or seriously injured while removing snow or ice from rooftops and other building structures. Additionally, the steeper your roof's pitch, the more rapidly the snow comes off it, and if you're not careful, the standard roof snow rake will dump that snow on top of you. That's why the Roof Razor® is the tool of choice for safely removing snow from your roof and protecting your investment.
Water backed up behind ice dams can leak and cause damage to walls, ceilings, and insulation. Snow loading can damage or collapse your roof. Catch the edge of a roof rake on a piece of flashing or loose shingle can also cause damage. The Roof Razor® snow removal system safely prevents ice dams and snow loading. High tech poly wheels eliminate the old-fashioned damaging lift-chop-pull motion of a regular roof rake which cracks and splits brittle shingles, and the poly chute slides falling snow away from the user.
No ladders! No need for brute strength! Gravity does all the work. Push the razor head upward into the snow with your feet firmly planted on the ground and watch the snow collapse under its own weight onto the poly chute and slide off the roof. Simple and efficient use for anyone Fom teens to seniors, the Roof Razor® snow cleaning/snow removal system is easily operated, and designed for long lasting durability. See how well it worked in Bayfield Colorado with two to five feet of snow on the roof of a 3100 square foot house.
Yes. The Roof Razor® Roof Rake easily removes snow two- and three-feet deep. The Roof Razor® is the fastest option in the market and takes less work. Light-weight with a 24" wide head that has dual-cutting action. The Roof Razor® is the fastest way to remove snow, including deep snow. We also have a Drift Cutter Kit option that will speed up the process further for deep snow. But don't take our word for it. Read this testimonial.
When using the Roof Razor® Roof Rake, the distance from lowest edge of the roof to the ground must be no more than 16 to 24 feet. The Roof Razor can easily handle 5-6 poles. Some have extended beyond this.
Yes, by adding a Metal Roof Kit to your order. It is critically important to use wheels and NOT skies or skids as used by other roof rakes. The chance of scratching the paint on your metal roof is very high if wheels are not used.
Yes, the wheels of the Roof Razor® easily roll over electrical tapes, leaving them fastened as they were. This is unlike others in the market that may skid across them and tear them out.
Yes, it does. To further improve shallow or low pitch roofs, we have also developed our Angle Kit.
Used properly, the slide should last for several years.
No, we are no longer producing the Titan Rake, but we do still support accessories and parts for it.
Yes, as you can see in the video here.
Yes, it does. Check out our Angle Kit here.